Contact Us

Got a burning question that won’t be exorcised? Whether you’re a venue looking to unleash your Halloween havoc on our eager audience, or a party-goer itching to know more about our frightful festivities, we’re all ears (and maybe a few other body parts).

Venues: Want to list your Halloween bash on Chicago’s hottest haunt hub? We’re always on the prowl for new nightmares to add to our collection. Drop us a line and let’s talk about bringing your event to the masses.

Party People: Confused about costumes? Tickets giving you trouble? Or maybe you just want to shower us with praise (we’re not above a little ego-stroking). Whatever’s on your mind, we’re here to help.

Use the form below to summon us. We promise we’ll materialize in your inbox faster than you can say “Beetlejuice” three times.